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York County rocketry team wins NASA national championship

The Spring Grove Area High School Rocketry Team has landed back in Pennsylvania after winning NASA's Student Launch Competition in Huntsville, Alabama.
Credit: Stephanie Kennedy
Back Row: Jenn Hastings (volunteer), Wyatt Amspacher, Dylan Tichy, Brian Hastings (lead advisor), Alex Fiorillo, Eli Hoke, Janet Senft (assistant advisor) Front Row: Sage Dewall, Haley Hake, Max Trimmer

YORK COUNTY, Pa. — One York County high school blasted off to new heights after competing in NASA's Student Launch Competition in Huntsville, Alabama.

The Spring Grove Area High School Rocketry Team may be down to earth, but their excitement is in the stratosphere after competing in a multi-month-long competition, the team returned to Pennsylvania as national champions.

“To win something like this, it’s kind of a David and Goliath situation and it really inspires me as the team captain of such a small group,” said Alex Fiorillo, team captain of the Rocketry Team.

The yearly competition begins in August when students begin designing their rockets. Over the next several months, the team tests their rocket and presents their data to NASA officials before launching their rocket in April.

The team of eight competed against more than 800 students from across 21 states.

Each team competed to launch their rockets to an altitude between 3,500 and 6,000 feet. However, Spring Grove blasted past the competition, reaching a record 4,500 feet.

“It’s really inspiring for me to see after all this stress and all the learning experience in leadership and team management to sort of come together and see it all come to fruition,” said Fiorillo.

He explained to FOX43 how the size of his team gave them an advantage.

“We are close-knit [making us] a lot more efficient, I like to think. We’re able to just make decisions, have team meetings and really dial in and make sure everybody works together as a team, communicate effectively, and have a more personal relationship than one of coworkers.”

In the 23-year history of the competition, no high school or college has ever accomplished a “perfect” flight.

Alex also described how none of this would’ve been possible without taking one small step.

“Take every opportunity you have and really try to find your direction and who knows maybe you could end up making history.”

The SGAHS Rocketry Team students are Alex Fiorillo, Dylan Tichy, Max Trimmer, Wyatt Amspacher, Sage Dewall, Haley Hake, and Eli Hoke. Their team advisor is SGAHS Physics Teacher, Brian Hastings.

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