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Don't click that link on a shipping notification | 12 Scams of Christmas

Scammers want you to click that link to get your information and they're getting really good at these messages.

YORK, Pa. — How many orders do you think you placed online this holiday season?

If you're in the double digits it can be hard to keep track of all those orders and when they're supposed to arrive.

That's exactly what the scammers are hoping for.

On day 9 of our 12 scams of Christmas, make sure you watch out for fake shipping notifications.

Just when you think you're done with holiday shopping, you get a text message a FedEx delivery has been delayed.

Ugh, but which one of your 25 online orders is this?

Click the link and find out --- right? Only if you want to get scammed.

These fake shipping notifications made the Better Business Bureau's 12 scams of Christmas

"It can be easy to lose track of all the purchases we've made online. We want to make sure that we're taking inventory of what we've already purchased so that way when we get that unsolicited email or text message, we can think back to what we have purchased and if we are expecting a tracking code or some sort of notification about a package we're expecting," said Kelsey Coleman, the Director of Communications at the Better Business Bureau for Metro Philly and Eastern Pennsylvania.  

Scammers want you to click that link to get your information and they're getting good at these messages.

Especially this year with actual shipping delays. Instead of clicking the link, get tracking numbers from legitimate orders and check those.

The best way to avoid this scam is to go old school. Be like Santa, make a list of all the things you ordered and check it twice when you get a message like this.

If nothing is missing, you know it's a scam.

If you have a story you want Jackie to look into, FOX43 wants to find out. Send her a message on Facebook or send an email to FOX43FindsOut@FOX43.com.

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